Saturday, May 7, 2011

And a one, and a two...

After a combination of resisting the overwhelming urge to punch FB in its elusive face over the dysfunctional Notes feature and listening to the endless refrain of "start a blog start a blog" from some of my friends, I bring you ... My Blog.

I'm not entirely sure what I will do with it. I'm positive I will be erratic about whatever it is. I'll probably post about my adventures in fooding, parenting and working, or not working as the case may be. There will be pictures.

To those of you who wanted me to do this ... um ... here it is in its infancy.

I don't even know what to do with most of what Blogger has now made possible. Anyone who wants to enlighten me or make suggestions is welcome to do just that. If you want to correct my grammar or spelling you can go soak your head. (I'm also determined to keep my language clean and resurrect as many of the G rated alternatives from my childhood as I can recall.)

By the way ... I need a really great hush puppy recipe. Anyone? Anyone?

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